Thursday, 2 September 2010

what is luxury?

Department stores are amazing places. These cathedrals of consumption cater to anyone who loves to shop. You can find almost anything you want, from a pack of chewing gum to a diamond necklace. Both could be considered to be luxury items depending on whose buying them.

But my interest is in luxury goods that I like to define through materials, manufacture an educated view and the skill of the maker. I also often think, that when buying a luxury good, access to the maker, the design process and being able to participate in what would undoubtedly be an amazing learning experience is an integral part to acquiring a luxury product. The question I ask myself is... Is a department store a place to buy luxury goods, where what they sell is generally mass produced and mass consumed?

My intention is to look at design, materials to try to identify differences between luxury branded products and luxury goods. A challenge to say the least!

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